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What I Do
I coach high-performing, stress-addled professionals who’ve hit a wall and want a different life, but don’t know where to begin. This is my specialty. I am not a generic life-coach, or business coach or really any kind of ordinary coach.
I help people who have succeeded by traditional definitions, but are inwardly wrecked, come back to life. Without the typical rah-rah, oversimplified slogans and superficial antics that tend to inspire a younger set, yet are completely inadequate for someone at your level, with your pain, your needs and your desires. Including the need for real, measurable and immediate outcomes. And, discretion.
My name is Yvonne Whitelaw. MD, MPH
I’m the helper of the helpers because we all need a hand, someone to lean on and some place to feel like someone’s got our back. Especially those who are constantly leading and serving others.
I have traveled extensively between and lived in Nigeria, London and the United States, established international aid campaigns, attained a Masters in Public Health, a degree in medicine and raised a family. Along the way, I fell apart, too. And, as part of my recovery, I drew upon my extensive background in behavior change, program-development, mindbody wellness, and also trained extensively to deliver scientifically-validated interventions in Positive Psychology and as developed by Brene Brown through her Daring Greatly and Rising Strong initiatives.
Are We a Fit?
Call now to find out. Here’s how it works:

I will ask you a handful of specific questions to get to know you, and ensure I can help you. I’ll be gentle, and I won’t waste your time.

If we’re a good match, we’ll schedule our first official session at your earliest convenience.

I will share how we can work together moving forward.
Curious as to what others have said about our work together?
Here are a few words from those I’ve helped:
Yvonne has picked me up when I've fallen apart, more times than I can remember - though most recently this Summer. She's not a bootcamp style drill sergeant, but she will be straight with you. All the while with kindness and calmness. On this - I've literally never met anyone as calm as she is. You just stand next to her and your heart rate starts to go down. If you are someone who spends a lot of their job or life caring for others and it's getting too much, I really, HIGHLY recommend doing a session with Yvonne.
Yvonne Whitelaw as I posted earlier has changed my life and given me gifts in knowing her that I cannot begin to describe. If you need some sort of guidance, change or support, she is the real deal!